Monday, July 7, 2008

First betta fish

So, your in the pet shop, choosing a betta fish for the first time, a normal pet shop will have at least twenty different betta fish. The best you can do is to choose one with shiny scales, with no fuzzy stuff, white flecks or small white creatures clinging to it’s fins. Another thing you can do is to check the size of the betta and its fins, the smaller the betta and its fins, the younger the fish and the the less time it has been in the pet store.
When choosing a fish tank, go with a glass tank avoid plastic tanks numbered 1, 3, 6, 7 they have been shown to cause cancer in tests on water bottles.
For food you should get some flakes, some bio-gold, and some blood worms, just in case your fish dosnt like on, I find that mixing flakes and bloodworms so that the get one blood worm and several flakes.

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