Monday, June 30, 2008

betta fish tricks

Here are some of the things you need

A Betta fish (obviously)
non corrosive metal or plastic
a little time
a stick capable of holding food

One of the simplest ways to train your fish is with imprinting which involves an action and a reward. Example, put a ring in the water suspended by some string, then place a small piece of food on the other side. Hopefully the betta will swim through the ring to claim the food, after he has done this, give him the rest of his meal. repeat this for a while until you see that the fish will swim to the ring even with no food, now you just have to place the ring in the water. Only give the fish after he (or she) has gone through the ring.

After the fish can move through the hoop very well, you can stop training for a few days, make shure you still get the fish to swim though the ring every couple days to keep him trained for next time you have dinner guests.

After your fish can swim through the hoop, you can make the entrance smaller and the ring longer, now you have a tunnel! or you could add a row of hoops, you could make an obstacle coarse, the possibility’s are endless! you can also imprint the fish to a stick (no, not one you just find in the park, one made of non degradable plastic or non corrosive metal) by putting food on it and putting it in the water, the beta will see the food, see the stick, grab food from stick. do this for a few weeks until betta will swim to location of stick, ya now you can take your beta for a walk by putting the stick in the water and slowly moving it along so the beta will follow it.

betta tips

  1. Only give a betta a little food per day, or it will get bloated, or the water will get dirty.
  2. Bettas should be kept in a tank about 2 gallons, to 100 gallons, any smaller and the beta will be unhappy.
  3. If a betta is happy, it will blow bubble nests.
  4. If a betta is unhappy, it will loose its color,hid in the corner, swim along the bottom, or basically look rotten, give it a bigger tank or give it more hiding caves.
  5. Bettas are tropical fish, so they like their water to be around 70-80 degrees Fahrenheit..
  6. be careful if getting your betta a filter, some may not like it. some filters may pull at there long fins.
  7. always treat any sicknesses right away, if you dont have the proper medicine, get some as soon as you can.
  8. always use water conditioner, it will get rid of nasty chemicals in the water.
  9. don’t feed your betta live black worms, your fish may get dropsy.
  10. when buying a betta, go for the smallest, it is the youngest and will live the longest
  11. never put a male betta in a tank with another male betta or a fish that may look like a male betta, he will attack and kill, or get killed in the fight.
  12. Don’t go sticking your fingers in the tank, the betta can bite you, they have sharp teeth.
  13. unlucky, skip this one
  14. you can put female bettas in a tank together, as long as it is of proper size, about 2 gallons per betta
  15. don’t feed your betta no name brand food, it may constipate them or be to big to eat go with bio gold, flakes, or dry blood worms
  16. don’t put a betta in one of those fancy bowls that look like lava lamps, a big “O”, any thing under a gallon or any other fancy tanks that are small and make the beta look like a piece of art rather than a living thing, it stresses them out and makes them die within a month most of the time.
  17. if your betta swims along the back of his tank all day it is most likely to close to the wall (if it is to close, it will turn into a mirror and the beta will attack its reflection), move it up a bit, if it still is doing this, your beta may have a swim bladder disorder.
  18. betta fish are very curious and smart, put their tank in a place where ther is alot to look at, also put a lot of decorations in the tank like caves, plants and anything else that will bubble or move.

betta sickness

Betta fish, because of there large fins, have a tendency to get fungal infections, this happens to may fish because the owner wasn’t prepared.

The most common sicknesses are cotton fuzz, A kind of fungus that grows on the fish, the early warning signs of this is: the fish flicking itself on decorations on the tank, white stuff starting to grow on the gills, this can normally be treated with quICK a type of antibiotic or an other antibiotic. (NOTE.this is sometimes found with fin rot, see below)

Fin rot eats the fins of the fish. the early warning signs are: little holes in the fin of the fish, the fish seems drowsy and is floating on the surface of the tank. this is normally caused by dirty water or the fish cut itself on something in the tank. changing the water, removing the ornament that cut them, or treating them with jungle fungal treatment should help.

this is an example of fin rot, it has started to heal

Ick is little white spots on a fish, they are hard to see some time, if your fish starts looking drowsy, has a loss of appetite, or is just staying on the surface gulping air, check it for white spots. treat it with quICK and change it water.

pineconeing is when your fish’s scales sort of stick out, making it look like a pine-cone, this is normally a result of over feeding, constipation, or dropsy, to help the beta, if he is overfed just stop feeding it for a wile, the same is true for constipation, another thing you can do for constipation is to cut a pea in half and feed it to the beta, the pea will clean him out.

pop eye is caused by a fungus in the fish’s eye that is causing it to swell, this is caused by dirty water ( wow lots of cause in that sentence ), change the water once every day for a fish that is in a two gallons or smaller, once a week in a larger tank, after the third change, treat water with antibiotics and continue changing water for another week or so.

parasites are small creatures on your fish normally around the gill and eye area, again caused by poor water conditions, change the water and treat with antibiotics or aquarium salt

more on betta fish

Betta fish are interesting fish, they develop personalities, some Betta fish will live in a community tank better than others. No Betta fish will live peacefully with all fish. The kink of fish you can keep all depends on the temperament of your betta fish. Betta fish will live with Cory cats, neon tetras, guppies, cat fish, and other larger, peaceful fish.

Everything you need can be purchased for under 25 dollars (you may want to spend more to get the best for your betta). Many betta’s will live for 5 years if taken care of properly. When feeding betta fish be careful, they can be picky and swallow it, only to spit it out again. Most will be happy with blood worms ( Dried mosquito larva ) and I have never seen a fish that doesn’t eat live Brine Shrimp. make sure to get an emergency fish kit with extra food and many different kinds of medicine. I have one betta (a metallic blue male withe red fins named Pete) fish that is thriving. Betta fish are also very smart and are able to do tricks with proper training. They come in a variety of colors from white to blue to red. The one down side to bettas, is that the water needs regular changes, but if you feed them carefully, the water will only need to be changed 3 times a month in a larger tank. If it is cloudy it should be changed.

Many betta tanks come with food, but always check just in case it doesn’t. Betta fish are interested about everything and love watching things outside of the tank, mainly you, so put the tank in a high traffic area of your house with plenty of things to watch. Put lots of decorations in the tank. Betas love decorations. Be careful where you buy your fish from. Many pet stores have betta fish, but two stores I recommend are Total Pet and Pet land, Pet land requires you to sign a form saying that you will not abuse it, or leave it in a pet shelter and where would it go if you whent away from the house. Betta fish need caves or they will feel lonely and stay at the corners of the tank. Put a small cave made of shells or a pot in the tank. Don’t worry that you may never see your fish again, they will still come out, in fact they will probably come out more because they aren’t nervous from lack of shelter. A warning for beta fish owners: beta fish will kill other fish. Females are not as aggressive as the males but will still kill other fish. Snails in a betta fish tank are a bad idea they may eat waste and uneaten food, but they do have babies wich will over populate the tank and choke the betta for O2 (they get half of there O2 from the water) . I used to have about 50 snails , all from a pair of large pet store variety. If you want a female for any number of reasons, just ask the pet store, but the females have short stubby fins and aren’t as brightly
colored, but are still very pretty, and will cost less than the male.

betta fish blog

Welcome to the betta fish blog.
Betta fish also known as Japanese fighting fish originate in Asia where they live in shallow rice fields, large puddles, and slow moving streams. the originally had a green body with red fins, but with selective breeding they come in all colors of the rainbow. There are about sixty know species in the betta fish family including the twenty pound labyrinth fish to the 4 inch half moon betta. Beta fish need no expensive equipment like filters,or bubbleatore. All they need is a tank about 5 gallon to 100 gallons. Betta fish are very smart fish that can even do tricks if taught correctly, unfortunately this means they get bored easily. To help your fish amuse them self’s, put them in a high traffic area like the kitchen, or the living room.
Betta fish love anything that sparkles, moves or makes bubbles and are best put in a large tank with other fish and lots of caves, holes, plants, but not other bettas. Female betas are better tempered than males and will live in a community tank with other females. Male bettas will live with other fish, but they will attack other fish, like tetras. Betta fish are best fed with a varity of foods. Bettas will eat; flaked food, dried blood worms, chopped vegetables, or live blood worms and brine shrimp. The reason many betas die so quickly is just because the pet store doesn’t take care of them. In many pet stores, if you ask for some information on bettas, they just give you a strange look. The reasons for this is #1 they don’t know #2 they don’t care #3 thay weren’t taught. The best thing to do is to just do your research so you can walk in there and just point at the one that looks healthy and say ”I’ll take this one”. To see which on is the best, look at the fins and see if they aren’t ragged, make sure they don’t have any fuzzy wite stuff on them, the fuzzy stuff is cotton fuzz, it will kill the fish if not treated.