Welcome to the betta fish blog.
Betta fish also known as Japanese fighting fish originate in Asia where they live in shallow rice fields, large puddles, and slow moving streams. the originally had a green body with red fins, but with selective breeding they come in all colors of the rainbow. There are about sixty know species in the betta fish family including the twenty pound labyrinth fish to the 4 inch half moon betta. Beta fish need no expensive equipment like filters,or bubbleatore. All they need is a tank about 5 gallon to 100 gallons. Betta fish are very smart fish that can even do tricks if taught correctly, unfortunately this means they get bored easily. To help your fish amuse them self’s, put them in a high traffic area like the kitchen, or the living room.
Betta fish love anything that sparkles, moves or makes bubbles and are best put in a large tank with other fish and lots of caves, holes, plants, but not other bettas. Female betas are better tempered than males and will live in a community tank with other females. Male bettas will live with other fish, but they will attack other fish, like tetras. Betta fish are best fed with a varity of foods. Bettas will eat; flaked food, dried blood worms, chopped vegetables, or live blood worms and brine shrimp. The reason many betas die so quickly is just because the pet store doesn’t take care of them. In many pet stores, if you ask for some information on bettas, they just give you a strange look. The reasons for this is #1 they don’t know #2 they don’t care #3 thay weren’t taught. The best thing to do is to just do your research so you can walk in there and just point at the one that looks healthy and say ”I’ll take this one”. To see which on is the best, look at the fins and see if they aren’t ragged, make sure they don’t have any fuzzy wite stuff on them, the fuzzy stuff is cotton fuzz, it will kill the fish if not treated.
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